50 States 90 Days

In early 2014 we had the idea of doing the ultimate adventure. That being visiting all 50 of the American states and by August 2015 we had made it a reality.

Our plan was to drive through all 48 of the lower states, then take a cruise up to Alaska and come home via Hawaii to complete the journey, and that is exactly what we did.

We set off on our adventure on May 12th, travelling in style in Business Class thanks to a frequently flyer points upgrade. Kicking things off in Anaheim, we rented an out there looking brown Kia Soul. Not our first choice, but one that turned out to be a great choice.

After 77 days on the road, on just about every terrain you can imagine as well as rotating between our tent and hotels, we managed to go through all 48 lower stats as planned. Driving a total of 21,042km (or 13,075 miles) and averaging 273km’s per day.

No mean feat! It was one of the best times of our lives and now one that we will never forget thanks to this blog.

Journey Stats

  • States Visited: 50
  • Days Driving: 77
  • Total Distance: 21,042km
  • Per Day Avg: 273km
  • Nights Camped: 34
  • Nights in a Cabin: 2
  • Nights in Hotel: 46
  • Nights at Sea: 7
  • Airbnb Houses: 3

Our Journey - Day By Day

Camping & Car

The most unique part of our trip was being able to camp in different spots with our kickass popup tent that took 2 seconds to put up. It made for a cheap and fun way to tour the country.

But the first month or so we had a lot of rain which meant we either upgraded to a little wooden cabin, or got ourselves a hotel. But overall it wasn’t too bad. We camped for 34 nights in our trusty little tent and it was as good as gold. It even survived hurricane type wins in Albuquerque!

As for the car, we were given a brown Kia Soul which looked pretty funky and wasn’t our first choice, but after a few days we absolutely loved it. We put the back seats down and it had quite a lot of room, enough to handle our tent, two suitcases and whatever else we had.

It took us 21,042km across all different types of terrains so we were pretty sad to leave it behind in Seattle. Our favourite campsites were probably Rivers End Campground in Savannah, or the campsite we had near Buena Vista out in the middle of nowhere by the river on our rafting trip.

Sports & Concerts

Another thing we love when going on holidays is going to sports. We saw our fair share of live sports this time around too, as well as some awesome concerts.

We were lucky enough to see Game 3 of the NBA Finals in Cleveland when they beat the Golden State Warriors. It was the game where Matty Dellavadova went off tap and put himself on the map. It’ll be hard to beat that experience.

Also we saw a few baseball games including the LA Angels taking on Colorado, New York Yankees vs Detroit, San Diego vs Washington and Minnesota vs Baltimore. We also took in an MLS match as well where we watched Real Salt Lake play Kansas City.

As for the concerts, we saw Rush on their R40 Tour. It does not get much bigger than a Rush gig and we saw them play songs all throughout their history for over 3.5hrs. We now know why they are known as rock Gods. In Portland we also got to see Aerosmith and they rocked the house.

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